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Career Problem Solving Services' fees are paid by their Clients for services delivered.

Payment for services can be based on a service contract negotiated with the individual client, or at an hourly rate based on the time required to provide the service and related costs agreed to between CPSS and the client.

 All qualified clients are required to pay an initial registration fee of $15.00 to cover pre-qualificaton expenses.  All paid registrant receives a FREE copy of the booklet "The Do's and Don'ts of Job Hunting.  This registraton fee is credited against future services delivered by CPSS. 

To determine if you are qualified to receive CPSS service click HERE.

Career Problem Solving Services is not an employment agency, nor does it provide employment agency services.

Copyright © 1999 E-BMC/Dr. John T. Whiting

All Rights Reserved.
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* To be eligible for the guarantee, the Client must  make Career Problem Solving Services aware of their dissatisfaction with the service and advise Career Problem Solving Services in writing within three days of receipt of the service.